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Reflecting on successful BelExpo Event: Opportunities Expo 2025 Osaka

BelExpo recently hosted a lively event at the Palace of the Academies in Brussels, bringing together Belgian entrepreneurs from across Belgium's regions and entities to prepare for Expo 2025 Osaka. 

Commissioner General H.E. Pieter De Crem welcomed the invitees warmly, which included a mix of government officials, industry leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators coming together. 

The discussions centred around the theme of "Saving Lives" exploring how Belgian companies, with their innovative spirit, can contribute. Our panelists, representatives from FIT, Ms. Barbara Tieleman, AWEX, Mr. Dominique Delattre, HUB.Brussels, Mr. Ghislain Breydel, and the FPS Economy, Mr. Renaat Schrooten, shared valuable insights on how Belgian companies can make a significant impact internationally in light of the upcoming Expo 2025 Osaka .

Event 19 April

We were also very pleased to welcome H.E. Ambassador Masahiro Mikami, whose presence emphasised the importance of international collaboration and partnership in driving economic growth and innovation.

For those who missed out: the event's highlights, including the presentations and panel discussions, are available via video recording below! 

At BelExpo, we believe in the power of partnerships. There are several possibilities for Belgian businesses to become a partner of the Belgian pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka. 

Belgian participation in Expo 2025 Osaka should be beneficial for the Belgian economy and industry. Participation will open the doors for Belgian stakeholders to important international collaborations, investments and new opportunities. Building a pavilion, creating a visitor journey and planning a content program requires skills, materials, and expertise. Good thing Belgian companies know how to tackle challenges like these!

Join hands with BelExpo and leverage the global platform of Expo 2025 Osaka to showcase your brand, foster collaborations, and expand your business horizons. Amongst the many opportunities, we highlight the following options for our partners:

  • invest in the pavilion or its exhibition: our partners' products, materials or services become part of the pavilion thanks to their contribution;
  • use the pavilion space: set the stage for success by hosting your corporate events in our multifunctional space with private outdoor terrace;
  • restaurant & bar: put your culinary expertise in the spotlight at our Belgian restaurant. and showcase your signature products;
  • shop: feature your products at our prestigous Belgian shop;
  • dynamic content programme, engage your audience: be part of our vibrant content programme featuring a diverse range of events and activities.

In return for the support partners offer, they can count on several benefits such as visibility, exclusive invitations, private use of certain areas of the pavilion, and more. Become a DIAMOND, PLATINUM, GOLD or SILVER partner of the Belgian pavilion now, consult our partnermenu for more info. 

Looking forward to Expo 2025 Osaka, we see it as a golden opportunity for Belgian companies to shine on the global stage, build new connections, and contribute to international initiatives. We invite all stakeholders to join us on this exciting journey.

We want to express our sincere appreciation to everyone who contributed to the success of the recent event. Your support and participation are invaluable as we pave the way for the Belgian pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka to thrive in a global setting. Join us now and be part of the adventure!