Meet BeluBelu!
BeluBelu, the mascot of the Belgian pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka, is a living creature that seems to come straight from the world of science and innovation. Like a playful cell - the building block of all life - BeluBelu breathes growth, connection and transformation. With his friendly appearance and energetic personality, he invites visitors to go on a journey of discovery through the pavilion and discover the story of 'Human Regeneration ’. More than a mascot, BeluBelu is a living symbol of how Belgium brings science and humanity together to create a better future.
BeluBelu's story
The journey of BeluBelu: A tale of Human Regeneration
In the heart of the Belgian pavilion, amidst shimmering reflections of water, the impressive, cutting-edge videomapping and projections, and the intricate patterns of cells lives a unique, ever-evolving creature – BeluBelu.
This creature dates back to the 19th century and it has come to inhabit the Belgian pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka as its rightful home. BeluBelu embodies the spirit of Human Regeneration, a theme that resonates deeply throughout the pavilion.
Born from the foundation of Belgium’s scientific achievements, BeluBelu is not just a guide – it is the spirit of the pavilion. It is a breathing, living entity that invites visitors to join its ongoing journey of renewal and healing.
BeluBelu carries the name of the country where lots of scientific inventions were born.
Chapter 1: The birth of BeluBelu
In the late 19th century, Belgian scientists made discoveries that changed our understanding of life itself. Through the lens of cellular biology, they unveiled the secrets of regeneration, namely the existence of cells which is the very foundation of life. The fact that cells have the ability to repair and renew was discovered by our people.
On that fateful day, BeluBelu was born. Not simply a creature, but a living legacy of Belgium’s scientific development, continually growing, regenerating and evolving which it has been doing for centuries now. It thrives on the innovations within Belgium’s scientific ecosystem. This mirrors the pavilion’s theme of Human Regeneration.
Water, as the source of life, flows through its being, sustaining BeluBelu in the same way it sustains the pavilion and humanity itself. In the Belgian pavilion, BeluBelu finds its natural habitat, nourished by the life-giving element of water.

Chapter 2: Belgium’s commitment to vaccines – a lifesaving legacy
As BeluBelu journeys through the pavilion with visitors, it reflects on the vital role of water in sustaining life, much like Belgium’s leadership in vaccines. Just as water flows through every corner of the pavilion’s design, representing its life-giving force, vaccines serve as the protective force that guards the very essence of human health. Water is the basic sustainer of life, where vaccines are the protectors of life.
Active and inquisitive, BeluBelu pauses to reveal the vital role of Belgium’s scientific breakthroughs in vaccines, showing visitors how these innovations have saved lives across the globe. Through this journey, visitors learn that the second most important way to save lives, after water, is through vaccines.

Chapter 3: The Brussels Renaissance – Medical robotics and AI
In the Brussels section of the pavilion, BeluBelu represents human resilience. Having survived for over two centuries, it embodies strength through continuous regeneration. It meets the cutting-edge technology that just as kintsugi, mends broken pottery with gold, symbolising beauty through imperfection.
As BeluBelu explores intelligent prosthetics, it is intrigued by how these technologies can enhance its own ancient form, reflecting the philosophy of regeneration it has championed for hundreds of years. It might soon be in need of the technology that reflects the philosophy of healing and regeneration it has stood for, for over 200 years and that will lead to greater strength and functionality.
Chapter 4: Flanders’ circle of life – wellbeing at every stage
BeluBelu continues to embody the principles of Human Regeneration actively engages with the Circle of Life exhibit in Flanders. Its presence here serves as a living testament to Belgium's innovations in prolonging life and curing diseases. Having lived for centuries, BeluBelu is a symbol of enduring vitality. BeluBelu has obviously withstood the test of time.
BeluBelu has truly shown the Belgian innovation of prolonging life and curing diseases. It is after all still kicking. In Flanders’ scope, the exhibition shows the advanced health technologies that support wellbeing from birth to old age and beyond. BeluBelu demonstrates how Belgium’s healthcare innovations sustain life at every stage.
BeluBelu is a living example of this. It echoes the constant renewal of life, just as Flanders’ innovations in health tech provide ongoing care that sustains life at every stage. It is a symbol of enduring vitality.
Chapter 5: Wallonia’s personalised medicine – the future of Regeneration
In Wallonia BeluBelu is bedazzled by seeing itself in a ‘mirror’. It discovers the latest developments in AI medicine, namely the digital twin. It is truly amazed by how far Belgium has come in the past two centuries. This is more than just a reflection – it is a glimpse into the future of personalised medicine.
When it was born, it never could’ve dreamed this. It is confident that thanks to this application, it can go on to live another two centuries because of how personalised its care has become. These technologies make it possible for BeluBelu to continue to thrive for centuries to come.
As it interacts with this revolutionary AI-driven healthcare, BeluBelu learns that Belgium’s latest innovations are focused on tailoring treatments to individual needs. This personalised approach represents the pinnacle of Human Regeneration, allowing BeluBelu – and, by extension, humanity – to continue growing, healing, and renewing itself.

Epilogue: a living legacy
As the living embodiment of Human Regeneration, BeluBelu doesn’t guide visitors – it is the heartbeat of the Belgian pavilion. It actively pulses through the pavilion, its very heartbeat is intertwined with the themes of renewal, healing, and life. The flowing water, the Kintsugi philosophy and the resilience and healing that is Human Regeneration flow through its very being.
BeluBelu is not just a symbol of the pavilion – it is alive within it, adapting and growing, just as Belgium continues to lead in medical innovation.
Even long after Expo 2025 Osaka, BeluBelu will live on as Belgium provides the best ecosystem and living conditions that allow for BeluBelu to live longer and longer and to overcome any disease that crosses its path, thanks to the innovations that are conceptualised in Belgium.

Will you come and meet BeluBelu?
BeluBelu can't wait to meet you! Our lively mascot is ready to take you on an adventure through the Belgian pavilion. Be enchanted by his energy, discover the story of Human Regeneration and live an experience you won't soon forget. See you soon!